Qualifikationen, Expertisen
Dr. Thomas Rüedi
Dental / Holistic Dentistry / Holistic medicine
- Dr.med.dent.
- Master of Dental Sience at the University of Basel, Switzerland, 1987
- Doctoral Dissertation on a homeopathic issue at the University of Basel, Prof.med. U.A. Meyer, Dr.med. Martin Furlenmeier, 1988
- Training and Certification in Holistic Dentistry by the Swiss Society of Holistic Dentistry (www.sgzm.ch) since 2001
- Membership at SSO (Swiss Dental Association) ongoing and IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, www.iaomt.com) until 2022
- more then 30 years of professional experience
- dental office and business from 1990 til 2022
- certified holistic dentist SGZM (Swiss society of holistic dentistry ) since 2001
- ex-board member in several holistic societies
- speaker and author of numerous publications
- expert as holistic dentist on Swiss television
- book author - "Zähne ganzheitlich behandeln" (To treat teeth holistically), ISBN 978-3-86460-403-4
Mens work
- Long-term Men's groups member
- Men's-Training: "Herzens-kriegertraining" (famous german men's training) and assistant of Björn Torsten Leimbach
- Leading men's groups at Verein maenner.gr
- Leader of men "ground level starter" seminars (on issues like: father, work, wild man, relationship, sexuality, spirituality) within Verein maenner.gr
- Founder and former leader as co-president of the Verein maenner.gr
- Founder and owner of "Ganz-und-gar-Mann-sein" (to be man throughout)
- Creator of "5 Elements men's training"
- book author in German language „Ganz und Gar Mann sein“; ISBN paperback: 978-3-347-01005-5, ISBN hardcover: 978-3-347-01006-2, ISBN e-book: 978-3-347-01007-9
- Spiritual Group with Keith Sherwood
- Several seminars with Tom Johanson
- Books of Sri Aurobindo
- Tibetan Buddhism:
- RIGPA Sangha Switzerland, basic study, leader training
- Founder and former leader of Verein Shenpen Suisse (see also http://www. dzogchen.org.in/shenpen) as a president
- Student of H.E. 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche
- member of the spiritual Shenpen Sangha
- Retreats in Switzerland and at Dzogchen Monastery South India
- Empowerments
- being part or leading study and practice groups within Shenpen international and Shenpen suisse
- Studying Sufism by reading, meditating and contemplating books and online information of Reshad Feild, Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi and Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
- Integral, „Fourth Turning“ Buddhism by Integral life and Ken Wilber
- Studium bei Yogic Studies "Tibetan Yoga: Histories, Pracitices, Transformations"; Dr. Ian Baker, 2024
High Sensitivity, Multiple trauma, ACE
- Recognizing myself to be someone with a combination of traits - High Sensitivity (High Sensitive Man) and High Sensation Seeker.
- Personal trauma work as a path of waking up, growing up, cleaning up and show-ing up (see integral philosophy).
- Multiple early childhood traumata with a high ACE-Score (adverse childhood experience)
- Worked on it with Somatic Experiencing (SE) for 4 years with Beat Eichl, senior assistant of Peter Levine in Switzerland.
- Healing work on it with Full Body Presence, on a seminar at Esalen led by Suzanne Scurlock-Duranna, including initiation experience; work online continued for 2 years.
- Intensive Integral Coaching on trauma with the experienced integral recovery coach Dr. Bob Weathers.
- Personal coaching with Robert A. Masters
- Work with Dr. Ted Zeff (✝︎) on High Sensitivity, being a highly sensitive man and in combination with trauma
- SE Coaching with Rosalie Corame
Initiations and visions
- Dzogchen-Buddhist practices - several times I received transmissions of Dzogchen wisdom practises by H.E. 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche at seminars in South India, Germany and Switzerland.
- "Herzenskrieger-Männer-Training" (Heart-Warrior-Men's Training) in Germany; initiation into manhood
- Fire-walk seminars in Switzerland; being able to walk on 700 Degrees Celsius glowing embers - we can do almost anything ... !
- Kundalini awakening experience at Full-body presence seminar in Esalen, California
- Heart awakening experience at the harborage Casa Betulla, Switzerland
- Curing severe, chronic sicknesses (Lyme borreliosis, Burnout, Overweight, Diabetes, etc.) opened and continue opening me up to crucial insights for my path of life.